Prior to your appointment

Prior to your appointment you will be sent an electronical health form to complete prior to your session, that will ask you a series of questions about your health history, current & past injuries and current condition. This is designed to help give advanced notice on medical conditions, to help us decipher the best treatment for you and any massage contraindications.


The Initial Appointment / pre session

75 Minutes is recommended for your initial session.

This allows sufficient time to speak about your medical history discuss your massage needs and goals in relation to the body areas you would like work on. If applicable we will discuss your experience of your condition in more detail. If necessary a posture assessment, movement & orthopedic tests will be assessed to help gain a further understanding to help create a treatment plan for you, and whether or not additional tools may be used such as Dry Needling or Silicone Cupping depending on the therapists scope of practice.

Please note sessions after your initial appointment will start with a brief consultation to check in and if necessary further biomechanical/orthopedic testing, 75 min is advised for treatments to allow enough time consult and treatment time on the table .

During Session and After

The session will be carried out on the table, your therapist will step out the room to wash their hands and let you get ready onto the table.

Towards the end of the session home care may be suggested or further referral to another health practitioner if necessary.

Homecare could be exercises to activate/strengthen/stretch a area of the body. Breathing techniques to aid with performance/sleep/stress.

General health advise or a referral to another health practitioner if applicable. True Calm have a good referral network of other health providers such as Osteopaths, physios, podiatrist (gait analysis) Sports Doctors etc. In order to get the best results for a individual not one type of treatment is always sufficient. Being able to work with network of healthcare providers gives the potential to gain the best results for you.

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